Monday, June 11, 2012

'Vet said that Yogi's days are numbered'. I received that text from my Mom when taking a 10min break from training.

Yogi had gotten ill. He stopped barking at strangers who walked past, lost all his activeness and after a while he also stopped eating altogether. Icy cold moment I froze. That feeling of helplessness. Rather surreal moment.

'Suspected cancer. Running a high fever, Low blood platelets count. Need to send him for further checkup."

I was afraid I'd never see him wagging his tail and trying to hop over whenever I come home. I was afraid I'd never see him scampering around the house anymore. I was afraid I'd never see him pretending to be a carpet/cottencandy. I was afraid I'd never be able to hug him anymore. I was afraid I'd never see him resting on my lap ever again. I was really afraid.

I could always walk him another day. I could always play with him another day. Book out time waits for no one. So many things await me. I didnt think this moment would hit me till probably another few more years.

Yet, the only thing he is looking forward to every day is to spend time with us. :(


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