Monday, June 24, 2013

gotta hate the uncertainty ya.

I think I spent too much on travelling. Oh man, I still have stuff that I wanna buy. 

Been reading books, teaching my dog new tricks (rolling over!! iz awesome), trying to hang out with long lost friends, exercising, pondering over whether I should go for uni camps, gaming etc etc. Pretty standard guy stuff for vacations sigh hahaha.

totally no backlight on my phone and its been super frustration trying to text. The only other phone i have is a nuked blackberry. Repairs cost too much. I've almost given up. Torchlight on one hand and phone on the other. iz miserablez.

I've probably said this to anyone who knows me well. Being 21 feels like a halfway point in my life. One foot still being on child/teen hood and the other adulthood. The uncertainty scares me more than it excites honestly. Well i'm not exactly 21 yet but its staring right at me. The thought of 'I'll never get it back again' makes me really sad and all I wanted to do then was to grow up fast. Apathetic adults zz.

I'm not forgiving and I dislike that about myself.  and because living in the past sucks.

This post might be quite misleading or something. I'm actually rather satisfied with life right now. Happy even. (could be happier with a better phone)



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