Sunday, August 11, 2013

"I read the words and realized that this was it. School has officially ended. Work begins at the start of March. It’s a new chapter of my life and according to the book I am currently reading, the Twenties are the Defining Decade in life. 
It hasn’t hit me that work is starting. It didn’t hit me when I signed the job contract yesterday. It didn’t hit me when Sarah and I went shopping for work clothes today. It still didn’t hit me when I set up my bank account for my payroll. And I don’t think it will hit me till I face the setbacks and challenges that every graduate experiences in his or her first job."

Monday. Here we go.

Yeah its great being a freshie. Orientation was mad fun (although super tiring as well) Met a whole bunch of awesome people as well. The late nights. You're only a freshman once (unless you're fake). Yeah you know it.

And for the first time in my life I get to choose subjects that I'm really interested in. I'm actually looking forward to flipping those books. No more math and science. No more conformity. 


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