Friday, March 14, 2014

I don't know what to say. Its feels really surreal. Just sitting there hearing you talk about life as though you're gone. Haven't held back my tears for a long time.You're never ready even when it hits you.

Last sunday, I was just telling the kids how God has a plan for all of us. Even if things don't go our way, have faith and He will deliver. I was telling them how I always never end up at my desired destinations. When I look back and ask myself - Would I do it again? In a heartbeat. always. Even if I'm just a ripple in the whole grand scheme of things, someone cares about you. Now, its still a bitter pill to swallow. So upsetting.

maybe we haven't realized it yet. "In the everyday routine of life, it can be easy to forget to count all those blessings that you have."



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