Saturday, August 16, 2014

I can't wait to get away from you.

I'll be honest right now and admit that I'm vulnerable.We all ought to shed that exterior that is keeping the distance between us.

Now that summer feels especially dreamy, I feel incredibly empty. It doesn't help that the reality of school is sinking in so swiftly. Don't get me wrong. Summer was nothing short of incredible. Someone asked me about my summer when I was in school this week and I remember using the word 'bittersweet'. Bittersweet kinda just sums up my entire summer. India and Southeast Asia was phenomenal. Is it contrived to say that I've learnt about the beauty of things? The beauty of life that we're all seeking. I swung around on ropes and jumped into waterfalls. I sat on roadside stools, sipping on beer/coffee and watched the blaring traffic go by.

and Friendships. my dear friendships. I got to travel with my two best friends. Theres something surreal about our trip now that I think about it. I hope i'm wrong but trips like that are getting harder to come by for us. I'm just glad we could make it happen this summer.

I (we?) saw the kindred spirit within us.

I met someone amazing this summer. In its entirety, it feels like an extended dream; an extended friday if you will. In the end, it literally went up in smoke. Bitter because these moments come infrequently and when they eventually do, they leave such an indelible mark on you.

and bitter because its fading away.

or perhaps. just perhaps.


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